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Liskov substitution Principle

  • 如果類別 T 有一個子類別 S,那麼 T 可以被 S 替換而不會發生任何錯誤。

    if S is a subtype of T, then objects of type T may be replaced with objects of type S .

  • 衍生的子類別必須可以替換成他們繼承的父類別。

    Derived classes must be substitutable for their base classes .


  • Bad way:
class Rectangle {
constructor(private width: number, private length: number) {}

public setWidth(width: number) {
this.width = width;

public setLength(length: number) {
this.length = length;

public getArea() {
return this.width * this.length;
class Square extends Rectangle {
constructor(side: number) {
super(side, side);

public setWidth(width: number) {
// A square must maintain equal sides

public setLength(length: number) {
const rect: Rectangle = new Square(10); // Can be either a Rectangle or a Square
expect(rect.getArea()).toBe(200); // ❌ If rect is a Square, area is 400


const rect: Rectangle = new Square(10);
if (rect instanceof Square) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
  • Good way:

Type checking a polymorphic value is a good indicator of an LSP violation.

interface Shape {
getArea: () => number;

interface Rectangle extends Shape {
width: number;
length: number;

interface Square extends Shape {
sides: number;

// Implementation...

Example 2

  • LoadingProvider Component 的 children 參數,符合 LSP
function LoadingProvider(isLoading: boolean, children: React.ReactNode) {
return isLoading ? <svg>...</svg> : children;

function Button({ text: string }) {
return <button>{text}</button>;

function Image({ url: string }) {
return <img href={url} />;
<LoadingProvider isLoading={isLoading}>
<Button text='Click me!' />

<LoadingProvider isLoading={isLoading}>
<Image url="https://sample.img.url" />